How Can I Make It?

How Can I Make It?
November 14, 2014 UcheOfodile
In Inspire, Lead, Learn

My favorite question on my page is “how can I make it” how can I get to the top” Can I let you in on a secret?

There is no single path, no magic formula and it all depends on you. You really have to believe this. Back in the day, it was enough for you to go to school, graduate with really good grades and you were well on your way.

In today’s world that is the minimum and in some cases not the requirement. What hasn’t changed is a need for you to be passionate, absolutely convinced and unafraid. These qualities shine through every time. I worked at a company where a driver ended up becoming a sales manager and worked his way up the ladder. He didn’t have the usual experience or job requirements when he started but everyone in the company observed his work ethic, his passion and his energy and decided to give him a chance.

Bottom line, never think that you are less than or that you can’t. You can!

Comment (1)

  1. Nana Bempong 9 years ago

    Great piece Madam…The choice is ours to make only if we want to succeed.

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